Monday 1 February 2016

Reasons to Make a Career in Song writing

A career in the music industry is not an easy one to make, since the industry is extremely competitive and hard to get into. Still, the music industry receives a good amount of attention from the public and those interested in the creative fields. Music is not easy to gain entry into, since it not just requires a great amount of talent, but one also needs to have the right connections and networks within the industry, that can at least help one get some sort of employment there. Most people have the thought that the only viable job in this area is to be a singer or be in a band. However, there many other areas that one can make a career in, like music composition, video direction, film music, song writing and even music therapy.

Speaking of songwriters, this is one avenue, which is slowly becoming popular. Songwriters are generally hired by record companies, music publishers, film producers and other such recording groups. More often than not, the services of songwriters are exclusively reserved for one particular employer only. These writers sometimes receive a proper weekly salary and then the writers’ royalty earnings can be added to that only. Or they might be employed on a work- for- hire basis and this way, the employer would have copyright ownership of the piece instead of the writer themselves. One can easily find a good music institute in Delhi, which has courses in song writing. 

Since the competition in this industry is tough, one must have more than just a degree in music, to make a name for oneself. Many songwriters before getting employed on a permanent basis by a company write as a freelancer or work other odd jobs in the music industry only.

There is still that mentality that taking music courses is more of a hobby than something that could lead to an actual and satisfying career. However, that is not true, as with the correct amount of dedication and talent, one can have a creatively fulfilling career in this field.

Here are some tips that can help one make a career as a songwriter:

1.Get a Degree:

There is a strong emphasis on the fact that this industry is heavily competitive, and thus, a degree can help one gain a professional edge over others. Especially if one has done it from a reputed music school, then it can make the employer look favourably at the application. A music degree unlike other degrees is not about sitting in a class and taking notes. Instead, one learns the various techniques and ropes of the trade, which would help one, further their career in this industry.

2.Become a Member of a Professional Organization:

This is actually help one do a lot of different things from making contacts with peers in the industry to finding out about exciting job opportunities. Jointing a professional organization for songwriters can also help one gain support during difficult times.

3.Work Experience:

This industry works on knowledge and this knowledge will only come when one has adequate work experience. What this will do, is let people become aware of one’s work and see what potential one has.

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