Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Dance Like No One’s Watching!

So, being a young girl in a busy, not so friendly world means I do have my own days of feeling low, days when I feel like the end of the ladder, or days when I feel lonely as if nobody really cared. If you say that you have never experienced it, I consider it sheer blasphemy because trusts me, you always go through these feelings once a while, sometimes when you experience a heartbreak or sometimes maybe just like that your life seems worthless and you are clueless about what to do with it. Such mood swings does not mean that you have a mental illness or that you are a psycho freak, these are just some stages of your emotions, you should be glad that at least you experience emotions, unlike many others out there.

What when these days dawn upon you, what do you do? My friends have huge ice cream buckets, while some of them take a vacation, but you know what I do, I dance! So my mom says ever since I was a child, I would stop crying at two things: food and music, and then she used to give me a banana to eat, while I would rock back and forth (sort of head banging) all through the music. Dance surely is a way of letting out your fears, your anguish, your worries and your tensions! One hot extreme dance warm up and you even forget what tensions are. Moreover, with the advent of the best dance academy in Delhi, dance has sort of become the most favourite hobby for kids! So while on one hand they go to school in the morning, they rush to dance classes in the evening! It is a great way to let your children learn to express themselves, moreover, it is a healthy activity too because it includes stretching and rhythmic breathing.

So much is the popularity of dance, that it is now slowly becoming a promising profession, with institutes like National school of drama encouraging you to dance, ladies you better dance your worries and fears out, dance like no one’s watching!

Monday, 11 May 2015

Music And Dance Make Life More Beautiful

Human beings are extremely fortunate to have been born as humans. I say so because of all species of the universe, only humans have been endowed with the ability to express their feelings through the medium of voice. The voice takes on an even more wonderful form when used to impart joy to others with the help of music. The purpose of various music and dance forms is to make people happy. There may be various genres and styles in the modern age, but the purpose still remains the same.

I have always been passionate about dance. After graduating from high school, I immediately began my hunt for a good dance institute in Delhi. The memory of the day of my very first dance class is still vivid in my mind. From the excitement I felt at the beginning of my class to the struggle I felt during the class and finally the exhaustion I felt after the class- I remember each and every feeling I experienced in those 2 hours. There are so many dance forms taught nowadays in India. However different they maybe from one another, there are two common traits found in each dancer- passion and perseverance. There is a popular saying- “Dance to express, not to impress”. My instructor constantly reminded her students to dance to express. Even though I don’t see her anymore, she would always hold a special place in my heart because she taught me to believe in myself and my talents. A dancer who dances without passion would never be able to touch the hearts of people, however great he/she is. On the other hand, a dancer who has passion but lacks the will to endure the hard years of training and gives up halfway would always be left with regrets. My journey of dance has not been easy either. There are still days when I return home with big, blue bruises on my knees and there are days when I cry out of frustration. But victory lies in not being defeated. This all dancers must keep in mind and carry on.

I recently enrolled myself in a renowned music institute and have been attending sessions regularly. Even though I lack the music sense that is inherent in so many, I am sure I would become a better singer with the passage of time. As mentioned in the title, music and dance indeed make life more beautiful because musicians and dancers not only make others happy, but they themselves find happiness in their respective art forms.