Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Benefits of Joining Dance Classes

Nowadays, more and more people prefer joining dance classes than going to a gym for work out. Dance is the perfect way to stay active and fit. Some latest studies have shown that dancing has some amazing benefits on physical as well as the mental level. Doing dance for one or two hours in a day increases the amount of physical activity and thus helps in keeping you fit and healthy. It has also been seen that those who dance regularly have better creative and social skills than those who are not in dancing. For those who are planning to lose weight, joining aerobic classes is the best way to lose weight without taking any pills or following a diet plan.

According to a recent study, another benefit of dancing is that it makes people smarter and puts them at a lesser risk of problems like dementia and Alzheimer's disease in later age. It is also a great way to socialize as you get to meet new people in dance classes. In today’s fast moving lives where there are work and other pressures, dancing is a great way to beat the stress. With so many benefits that dancing offer, joining dance classes should be on your to-do list if you want to stay fit and healthy. There are a number of dance institutes in Delhi where dance classes are conducted by trained professionals. The duration and timing of these classes is very flexible, allowing people a chance to join classes as per their choice and preference.

There is a aaft dance academy in Delhi, where dance classes are conducted in various forms of dances. Be it traditional Indian dances like kathak and bharatnatiyam or other forms like samba, rumba and tango, all dance forma are taught and that too by trained professionals.

So, add dancing to your daily workout regime and stay fit and healthy.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Looking for a Career in Music?

Have you ever wished to be named among the top musicians of the country? If the answer is yes, then it is important for you to take proper training and gain knowledge of music before entering the music industry. Music is a vast field offering a range of career options for trained musicians. So, if you are looking for a thriving career in today's time when there is so much competition, it is important for you to know the basic principles of music. Joining a music school or academy is the best way to sharpen your skills and get full knowledge of various aspects of music. 

Music Academy

For all those who are planning to enter the music industry, joining a music school should be the first step. Besides this, there are certain other things that should be taken into consideration. One important thing is to understand that career path of every musician is different from the other. So, people should not copy the way and singing style of the other and understand that every singer is unique in his own way. All they need to do is hone their talent and try to improve their skills, be it the back up vocals, music charts or the basics of music. Next is to connect with more and more people of the industry. In today's time of tough competition, success graph of most of the musicians depend on quantity and quality of relationships they have with the people of music industry.Another thing is to prepare yourself to be versatile. For versitality, it is advised to participate in jingle sessions, wedding gigs, music concerts and shows. 

Keeping the above things in mind will significantly increase your chances of becoming a successful musician. It will open more opportunities not only in the film industry but outside as well. You can easily become a teacher in a leading music academy or school and earn good money.

Monday, 16 November 2015

Something Better than Play Stations for your Children!

It probably doesn’t occur to the working parents of this generation that their children are deprived of what is called nature. They are too much into technology and it is not n uncommon sight of a child of about 5 playing games in a mobile! Not only this, Play Stations and video games are a priority over story books! If you really want to bring up your child right, then you need to squeeze in sometime to divert their attention from the mechanical and materialistic world. Instead of buying them expensive toys, go out to a park with them and play, that is priceless.

Animation and action movies are surely attractive to your children but do not make your children grow accustomed to going for movies every time there is a new movie! Instead enroll your child to some creative courses. There are several drawing courses which nurture the painter in your child! My 4 year old has shown drastic changes in her personality since I enrolled her to one of the painting classes. She has grown more observant, cheerful and creative in her approach.

Or you can let them try their hand at music or photography courses! This way your kid would grow up to be a much socially active and creative person. Daily movies and video games will spoil the imagination power of your child and restrict his thinking only to a certain level. The basic thing that you must provide you child is the scope to expand their brain functionality; which is restricted without proper interaction. If you fail to interact with your child on a daily basis you could always let him do something constructive apart from playing video games. This would ensure a sound mental growth which would reflect on his behavior as he grows up.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Want To Make A Career In Music?

Do you spend hours listening good music? Are you the one who enjoys making music in free time? Well, if the answer is yes, you can think of making a career in it. Music industry is a very competitive industry but there are people who actively work in this field to earn money and make a living out of it.  For many people, making a career in music is very easy as one does not have to go to an office, like in a nine to five job. They do not have to deal with business plans, strategies and can make music anytime, from anywhere as per their convenience. But this is not true. A lot of had work is required to get money and recognition in the long run.
Music Courses

All those who are planning to make a career in this field should know that talent comes before anything. A famous music composer once said, ''If you haven't got a product to sell, your music career wont get far''. You may come out with your own album, but if your music is not different from what people have already heard in the past, it will not become famous. Besides talent, there are a number if other things that one should keep in mind. One should know that in this industry you cannot become famous overnight. A lot of practice, which involves singing lessons, is required to smoothen vocals and take them to the next level. To get the right knowledge and skills, joining a music school can be of great help.

Joining a reputed school, can significantly help you improve your skills and learn various aspects of music, that you did not knew earlier. It will also give you a chance to directly meet your role models and mentors, have discussions with them to gain an insight into the field you wish to enter. After doing a course from here, you can join a music academy for an internship, where you can show your talent and get noticed by professionals.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Art is all around us!

We all have been fascinated by the famous paintings placed in the galleries, magnificent sculptors made by the rocks and live artists performing in the theaters! Well, all these things are results of “Fine Arts” and these are over and above the typical studies of mathematics and Sciences.

Fine Arts involve skills and creativity which cannot be measured on a definite scale. Students who go on to take up Fine Arts degree are passionate about their artistic sides. The subjects and specializations of fine arts courses include poetry, music, drama, painting, sculpting and designing and each one of these subjects holds specific importance.

Theater for example captivates the art of expression. The National School of Drama teaches the students to use their expressions to deliver emotions. It yields actors who go on to become parts of the film industry and work in multiple film genres!

And there indeed is a lot that you can do with a Fine Arts degree. Fine Arts make artists who use art to communicate their thoughts, feelings and ideas. These artists are parts of everything that we see around. Here is a list of different types of artists.

Art directors: Art directors are integral parts of film making. These people give direction to the actors during performance. Because film making involves several other people apart from actors, art directors manage a lot of people!

Multimedia artists: These people use multimedia in everything from advertisements to games. They use multiple types of media to create images and videos. Animators constitute the special category of multimedia artists who use animation in films and ads!

Craft artists: And finally! Craft artists are people who make handmade objects placed in galleries and general shops. These objects include everything from jewelry and bags to rugs and quilts. Craft artists may also use recycled items.

No wonder, we are surrounded by art!

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Different Items to Draw With

The creative field is bustling with people in it. A lot of people are nowadays literally creating jobs and professions for themselves with their unique ideas. People are no longer fans of the normal 9 to 5 jobs where one has to sit in a cubicle and work till day end. Instead the youth is now wanting high powered and challenging jobs through which they will learn something new every day.

There are various different courses one can take if they want to perfect or start their journey in a new area of the creative arts, courses like photography courses, art classes, dance classes and calligraphy courses are gaining momentum. These are very short term courses one can take even while working on their regular jobs. Some can even be taken online if one wants.

A few of the more specific courses that have always been favourite of many are drawing courses or painting courses. Many students and working people or even housewives favour such type of courses over others. This allows them to give time to their regular life and at the same time learn a creative art.

Here are a few items one can use to create beautiful drawings:

1.Charcoal and Graphite:
This might seem a bit out-dated, but charcoal and graphite are still used to create beautiful black and white images. What charcoal does is give it a beautiful and real feel and sort of brings the image to life. And graphite works in a similar way in that it sort of makes the image rise out of the page.

2.Pencils and Markers:
These are staples of people who draw. These give beautiful colours and shading to the image and can be mixed with each other to create unique colours.

3.Digital Equipment:
If one has tried their hand at all other aspects of drawing and want to get a bit technical then they can try out digital photo editing and photo making software’s. In this one can create unique and realistic images with the help of online software’s.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

The Importance of Fine Arts Courses in School

When it comes to education, one believes that only serious and traditional subjects like maths, science, English, history and others are important. These are supposedly the core subjects. And rightly so, these subjects do teach the students essential information about the past, their present and how to deal with their future and how to create a better future too.

But what a lot of school systems forget is the importance of fine arts courses. Although practically every school has fine arts courses in the system, but they usually last only until the middle grade. From then on, the time given to these classes starts to decline and the majority of the focus is given to the important or core subjects. It’s all about studying, studying and more studying. And of course why not, if one expects to get into a decent college then one should have the marks to prove it.

But that is where the importance of fine arts comes into play. It has been proven scientifically that the presence and involvement of students in courses of fine arts like theatre, arts, and other such courses actually only help in the improvement of many educational skills of the student. 

Yes, we do have fine arts colleges in India, but if we have colleges then why is not equal importance given to these subjects in schools too. Why are these subjects considered to be time- wasting and impractical.

The thinking skills and reading and even math skills have said to be improved when students participate in such kinds of fine art subjects. Subjects like music help with language learning and it has been proven that subjects of music and drama are responsible in building learning strategies that will help the student with further academic skills.

Skills like community communication and confidence of a student too build by participating in such subjects and activities. These subjects are also a great way to get at- risk students to engage with their teachers and classmates and show their talents and learn to communicate.
The importance of fine arts is big and everyone needs to realise it.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Here Begins a new Journey in Dance

Human bodies are already very complicated. On top of that, each body is one of a kind with its own set of strengths and weaknesses. In the world of dance, the uniqueness of each body explains why some are superb at turns, while others have great flexibility; some have immense core strength while others adapt easily to new dance styles; some get easily injured and others heal quickly. Assiduous efforts in the right direction can further polish the strengths and better the weaknesses, but it’s usually hard to alter the way one’s body inherently is.

For instance, when I joined a jazz dance academy in Delhi for the first time four years back, I could feel my limbs being all over the place. But I had great energy, and consistence practice made all my moves sharp and clear. And great energy coupled with clarity in body is considered to be a great asset in dance. But I always lacked flexibility. Flexibility is something that can definitely be worked upon but because it is relative, some people would always be more flexible than you, no matter how hard you try. And while I did become more flexible over time, it took me three long years to understand the tendencies of my body. Whenever I came back from a short break, not only was I back to square one in terms of my flexibility, it took even longer to come back in normal shape. And every time I actually thought that somehow I had injured myself until an instructor showed me the reality. There are some people who would come back after years with little or no change at all.

The only point I am trying to make is that while the visible weaknesses can be worked upon, there is not much we can do about the way our body innately is. And that is absolutely fine, because we can always create something extraordinary and beautiful with whatever we possess- good, bad, or neutral. But because I have been missing so many classes, my technique has really suffered. So I would be starting afresh in the same dance institute in Delhi that I joined a few years back. And I am hoping my new journey would be just as much fun. Wish me luck!

Thursday, 13 August 2015

3 Signs That you are a Highly Creative Person

My brother had always been an art lover. Drawing and painting had not only been his hobby, but it was his passion. He knew he wanted to pursue it as a career in his future. He joined one of the reputed Fine arts colleges in India and met people who were probably perfectly synchronized in their love for art and passionate about it as a subject. Communicating with them made me realize; the creative mind is something which is untamable and a true artist barely conforms to the dos and don’ts of the society.I found some characteristics vividly common with all the creative people I met, including my brother.

Fine Arts Courses

They crave for originality

Mediocrity and commonly achievable things never appeal them. Every singly though and idea had to stand apart and be original. I once saw the projects they did for their Fine arts courses. They were incredible! Each distinct from one another and the ideas exuded brilliance.

Open minded

I have known my brother and saw his fellow classmates too; they were all open minded and flexible. There was no cringing at people and criticizing others. Discussions were fun with them and they often have peculiar views on a particular subject which may or may not be acceptable to everyone! But that didn’t make them aggressive as listening to the other person’s view is one of the features of a creative mind.


A creative mind is typically observant and they watch the little things in people and the environment around them. This makes them a better analyzer than their peers. This attribute makes them a bit withdrawn and introvert by nature, with usually a small number of close friends rather than a big gang of friends. They are socially awkward because unknowingly they engage themselves in observation and deep thoughts and do not communicate much.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Top 3 Career Options for Fine Art Graduates

My cousin is really enthusiastic about a career in Fine arts, and it is true, her drawing and sketching skills are commendable. Sadly enough, she does not have a lot of encouragement from her family regarding this, who think this is too offbeat a career option for her to take up. In reality this is not so. I am listing the top three kinds of career options that can open up after graduating from any of the Fine arts colleges in India:

Animator or a multimedia artist

Animation is the rage in today’s date and one can easily get into animation. Animation is required in television, films, video games, advertising and what not. Advertising, for instance has huge requirement for animators. They need to conceptualize and create animations for a wide variety of things like motion ads.


With the overpowering of the internet and the digital world, Designers are seeing a big scope. If you are a graduate from any of the Fine arts courses, you can train yourself with the software’s or join another course where you can learn Photoshop, Adobe, Picasa, Coral and others. You can work for agencies which would require you for both online and offline projects. Social media is one big example of the works of designers.

Craft Artist

Craft artists are those who design and create innovative items using a wide array of materials such as wood, fabric, plastic, and metal. They often display their creations at art shows, galleries, museums and stores and they are put on sale also. Finest of creations are in acute demand. Craft artists are mainly self-employed, and hence it may require them to work elsewhere as well. It is not a full time career but a highly rewarding career if it takes off well.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Trust on True Talent

Lucky are those people who are born with talent and their talent is not confined to just themselves. Luckier are those who have such people in their life who chisel out the hidden talent in you and help you to bring it out in the open. My best friend has always been a music freak. She used to love to listen to music- all kinds of music. But music was not an easily talked subject in their house. Surprisingly, even in this age, her family was extremely conservative about activities like music and dance. Joining a dance or music academy was beyond her imaginations. So all the music she used to listen to were either when she was out of her house or when she was all alone in her room at night, with everyone gone off to sleep.

It was known to very few people that she had an amazing voice as well, but for very obvious reasons she never let it out. I knew it, but couldn’t do anything for her. I knew she could be an asset to the music fraternity if she sang for people and not to herself in seclusion. No wonder she was married off at an early age. It was only when she had given up all hopes and dreams of music; her husband discovered that his wife is a gem of a singer. Unlike what she thought would be his reaction; he encouraged her to audition for a reality show and made her join a Music school.

With so much of encouragement, she finally cracked her audition at once, and with her mesmerizing voice, she won it as well! Now she is a busy person signing albums and performing across the country. Her husband is to be thanked for all of this. Not because he found out the talent, but he successfully overthrew her years of fear and inhibition with his faith and trust he had on her, and her talent.

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Get Better at Painting Now!

Those who pursue any activity seriously are bound to encounter a few roadblocks on the long journey. Obviously, nobody likes to come across obstacles that hinder their growth. But in reality, roadblocks exist for our sake, because only when we overcome them would we become aware of our vast potential and true worth. Those whose journeys have always been smooth may consider themselves to be fortunate, but they would never experience the exhilaration one experiences on moving forward successfully regardless of the circumstances.
Now if you love to paint and wish to pursue a course in fine arts from one of the premium fine arts colleges in India, but are unable to get better at your skills, here are some tips for you to overcome this obstacle:


All kinds of artists including dancers, musicians, and sculptors need inspiration. Unless you expose yourself to the works of renowned artists, you would not be able to differentiate between good and great works of art. Get inspired to get better!

2.Practice daily

The best fine arts colleges take only the best of the lot. And to become the best, you need to practice assiduously.Improve your drawing skills by drawing on a daily basis. In fact, always carry a sketchbook with you so that you do not waste even one spare moment.

3.Purchase better art supplies

Invest in the best art supplies if you want results that please you. These things matter a lot and I am sure you do not want to risk your seat in a good college due to lack of quality art supplies.

4.Embrace your inner artist
Great artists can never be superficial. Their paintings are beautiful because they themselves know how to appreciate beauty.

5.Hone your techniques

Your techniques would surely be honed in your chosen school of fine arts. But you need to have your basics in place and only then can you expect to build up on them.

Friday, 12 June 2015


“Create with the heart and build with the mind”- The concept of combining heart and mind for generating something extraordinary would easily be understood by people who like to draw. They say that you don’t need a reason to draw because drawing is a form of art and art is not something that you see, it is something that you make others see through your piece of work. A lot of people are involved in drawing and painting. 

Drawing courses offer basic as well as advanced levels of drawing. These are designed in such a way that whatever level you’re at, you will learn something new to improve your drawing skills as these are very friendly for beginners, yet sophisticated enough for advanced students in developing their art skills. You will gradually progress from basic topics to comprehensive lessons. These courses teach you how to draw what you see and imagine, and how to draw them using time-proven techniques. Some of the institutes offering drawing courses focus on giving proper and professional art education, teaching traditional art skills and methods, and helping the students develop their individual art style based on the values and legacy of classical fine art.

Drawing and Drama are deeply connected forms of art. Both of them work on the principle that imagination is the beginning of creation. Some of the greatest actors go on the stage unrehearsed and some of the world’s best painters start drawing unprepared. The national school of drama is one such training institution. The syllabus takes into account the methods of great theatre personalities who have shaped contemporary theatre in all its variety. The systematic study and practical performing experience of Sanskrit drama, modern Indian drama, traditional Indian theatre forms, Asian drama and western dramatic protocols give the students a solid grounding and a wide perspective in the art of theatre. With such proper training, we can all be artists.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Dance Like No One’s Watching!

So, being a young girl in a busy, not so friendly world means I do have my own days of feeling low, days when I feel like the end of the ladder, or days when I feel lonely as if nobody really cared. If you say that you have never experienced it, I consider it sheer blasphemy because trusts me, you always go through these feelings once a while, sometimes when you experience a heartbreak or sometimes maybe just like that your life seems worthless and you are clueless about what to do with it. Such mood swings does not mean that you have a mental illness or that you are a psycho freak, these are just some stages of your emotions, you should be glad that at least you experience emotions, unlike many others out there.

What when these days dawn upon you, what do you do? My friends have huge ice cream buckets, while some of them take a vacation, but you know what I do, I dance! So my mom says ever since I was a child, I would stop crying at two things: food and music, and then she used to give me a banana to eat, while I would rock back and forth (sort of head banging) all through the music. Dance surely is a way of letting out your fears, your anguish, your worries and your tensions! One hot extreme dance warm up and you even forget what tensions are. Moreover, with the advent of the best dance academy in Delhi, dance has sort of become the most favourite hobby for kids! So while on one hand they go to school in the morning, they rush to dance classes in the evening! It is a great way to let your children learn to express themselves, moreover, it is a healthy activity too because it includes stretching and rhythmic breathing.

So much is the popularity of dance, that it is now slowly becoming a promising profession, with institutes like National school of drama encouraging you to dance, ladies you better dance your worries and fears out, dance like no one’s watching!

Monday, 11 May 2015

Music And Dance Make Life More Beautiful

Human beings are extremely fortunate to have been born as humans. I say so because of all species of the universe, only humans have been endowed with the ability to express their feelings through the medium of voice. The voice takes on an even more wonderful form when used to impart joy to others with the help of music. The purpose of various music and dance forms is to make people happy. There may be various genres and styles in the modern age, but the purpose still remains the same.

I have always been passionate about dance. After graduating from high school, I immediately began my hunt for a good dance institute in Delhi. The memory of the day of my very first dance class is still vivid in my mind. From the excitement I felt at the beginning of my class to the struggle I felt during the class and finally the exhaustion I felt after the class- I remember each and every feeling I experienced in those 2 hours. There are so many dance forms taught nowadays in India. However different they maybe from one another, there are two common traits found in each dancer- passion and perseverance. There is a popular saying- “Dance to express, not to impress”. My instructor constantly reminded her students to dance to express. Even though I don’t see her anymore, she would always hold a special place in my heart because she taught me to believe in myself and my talents. A dancer who dances without passion would never be able to touch the hearts of people, however great he/she is. On the other hand, a dancer who has passion but lacks the will to endure the hard years of training and gives up halfway would always be left with regrets. My journey of dance has not been easy either. There are still days when I return home with big, blue bruises on my knees and there are days when I cry out of frustration. But victory lies in not being defeated. This all dancers must keep in mind and carry on.

I recently enrolled myself in a renowned music institute and have been attending sessions regularly. Even though I lack the music sense that is inherent in so many, I am sure I would become a better singer with the passage of time. As mentioned in the title, music and dance indeed make life more beautiful because musicians and dancers not only make others happy, but they themselves find happiness in their respective art forms.