Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Get Better At Drawing With These Quick Tips

A lot of times I hear people saying that they can’t draw. I, in fact, was one of them. Even though I loved to draw, I just couldn’t. And after every failed attempt at drawing, I would call up my genius artist friend to complain about how difficult my life was. While she always listened patiently, one day she simply lost her patience with me. She told me that any person who can write can also draw. It is just that some people are better than the others and if I took drawing lessons, I too would be able to draw better. So, if you wish to become an artist but doubt your abilities, here are some tips to help you become a better artist:

1.Acquire the skill

While some people are naturally good at it, you can always acquire the skill of drawing by pursuing one of the well-known drawing courses. After listening to my friend’s advice, I enrolled myself in an art school and my graph just keeps getting better. If not given a proper direction, even those with a knack for drawing cannot make proper use of it. Hence, art coaching is important, whether you are inherently talented or not.

2.Observe to draw better

The visual organs play the most crucial role when it comes to drawing. If you fail to observe, you would fail to get the details right. Really study the things you wish to portray and see the difference it makes to your work.

3.Practice makes a man perfect

You would find ample technique related tips on the internet, and hence all I ask of you is to not give up and continue practicing until you master your art. 

This sister of my artist friend I mentioned before is a photographer. She too wished to pursue photography but felt that she wasn’t good enough. After pursuing one of the reputed drawing courses in the city, she practiced day and night. And now she is rapidly making her way up in the photography sector with people eager to hire her. Anything can be mastered if you do it with your heart and I too have improved tremendously at art. Don’t believe me? Come have a look at my work!