Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Art is all around us!

We all have been fascinated by the famous paintings placed in the galleries, magnificent sculptors made by the rocks and live artists performing in the theaters! Well, all these things are results of “Fine Arts” and these are over and above the typical studies of mathematics and Sciences.

Fine Arts involve skills and creativity which cannot be measured on a definite scale. Students who go on to take up Fine Arts degree are passionate about their artistic sides. The subjects and specializations of fine arts courses include poetry, music, drama, painting, sculpting and designing and each one of these subjects holds specific importance.

Theater for example captivates the art of expression. The National School of Drama teaches the students to use their expressions to deliver emotions. It yields actors who go on to become parts of the film industry and work in multiple film genres!

And there indeed is a lot that you can do with a Fine Arts degree. Fine Arts make artists who use art to communicate their thoughts, feelings and ideas. These artists are parts of everything that we see around. Here is a list of different types of artists.

Art directors: Art directors are integral parts of film making. These people give direction to the actors during performance. Because film making involves several other people apart from actors, art directors manage a lot of people!

Multimedia artists: These people use multimedia in everything from advertisements to games. They use multiple types of media to create images and videos. Animators constitute the special category of multimedia artists who use animation in films and ads!

Craft artists: And finally! Craft artists are people who make handmade objects placed in galleries and general shops. These objects include everything from jewelry and bags to rugs and quilts. Craft artists may also use recycled items.

No wonder, we are surrounded by art!

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Different Items to Draw With

The creative field is bustling with people in it. A lot of people are nowadays literally creating jobs and professions for themselves with their unique ideas. People are no longer fans of the normal 9 to 5 jobs where one has to sit in a cubicle and work till day end. Instead the youth is now wanting high powered and challenging jobs through which they will learn something new every day.

There are various different courses one can take if they want to perfect or start their journey in a new area of the creative arts, courses like photography courses, art classes, dance classes and calligraphy courses are gaining momentum. These are very short term courses one can take even while working on their regular jobs. Some can even be taken online if one wants.

A few of the more specific courses that have always been favourite of many are drawing courses or painting courses. Many students and working people or even housewives favour such type of courses over others. This allows them to give time to their regular life and at the same time learn a creative art.

Here are a few items one can use to create beautiful drawings:

1.Charcoal and Graphite:
This might seem a bit out-dated, but charcoal and graphite are still used to create beautiful black and white images. What charcoal does is give it a beautiful and real feel and sort of brings the image to life. And graphite works in a similar way in that it sort of makes the image rise out of the page.

2.Pencils and Markers:
These are staples of people who draw. These give beautiful colours and shading to the image and can be mixed with each other to create unique colours.

3.Digital Equipment:
If one has tried their hand at all other aspects of drawing and want to get a bit technical then they can try out digital photo editing and photo making software’s. In this one can create unique and realistic images with the help of online software’s.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

The Importance of Fine Arts Courses in School

When it comes to education, one believes that only serious and traditional subjects like maths, science, English, history and others are important. These are supposedly the core subjects. And rightly so, these subjects do teach the students essential information about the past, their present and how to deal with their future and how to create a better future too.

But what a lot of school systems forget is the importance of fine arts courses. Although practically every school has fine arts courses in the system, but they usually last only until the middle grade. From then on, the time given to these classes starts to decline and the majority of the focus is given to the important or core subjects. It’s all about studying, studying and more studying. And of course why not, if one expects to get into a decent college then one should have the marks to prove it.

But that is where the importance of fine arts comes into play. It has been proven scientifically that the presence and involvement of students in courses of fine arts like theatre, arts, and other such courses actually only help in the improvement of many educational skills of the student. 

Yes, we do have fine arts colleges in India, but if we have colleges then why is not equal importance given to these subjects in schools too. Why are these subjects considered to be time- wasting and impractical.

The thinking skills and reading and even math skills have said to be improved when students participate in such kinds of fine art subjects. Subjects like music help with language learning and it has been proven that subjects of music and drama are responsible in building learning strategies that will help the student with further academic skills.

Skills like community communication and confidence of a student too build by participating in such subjects and activities. These subjects are also a great way to get at- risk students to engage with their teachers and classmates and show their talents and learn to communicate.
The importance of fine arts is big and everyone needs to realise it.