Thursday, 27 August 2015

Here Begins a new Journey in Dance

Human bodies are already very complicated. On top of that, each body is one of a kind with its own set of strengths and weaknesses. In the world of dance, the uniqueness of each body explains why some are superb at turns, while others have great flexibility; some have immense core strength while others adapt easily to new dance styles; some get easily injured and others heal quickly. Assiduous efforts in the right direction can further polish the strengths and better the weaknesses, but it’s usually hard to alter the way one’s body inherently is.

For instance, when I joined a jazz dance academy in Delhi for the first time four years back, I could feel my limbs being all over the place. But I had great energy, and consistence practice made all my moves sharp and clear. And great energy coupled with clarity in body is considered to be a great asset in dance. But I always lacked flexibility. Flexibility is something that can definitely be worked upon but because it is relative, some people would always be more flexible than you, no matter how hard you try. And while I did become more flexible over time, it took me three long years to understand the tendencies of my body. Whenever I came back from a short break, not only was I back to square one in terms of my flexibility, it took even longer to come back in normal shape. And every time I actually thought that somehow I had injured myself until an instructor showed me the reality. There are some people who would come back after years with little or no change at all.

The only point I am trying to make is that while the visible weaknesses can be worked upon, there is not much we can do about the way our body innately is. And that is absolutely fine, because we can always create something extraordinary and beautiful with whatever we possess- good, bad, or neutral. But because I have been missing so many classes, my technique has really suffered. So I would be starting afresh in the same dance institute in Delhi that I joined a few years back. And I am hoping my new journey would be just as much fun. Wish me luck!

Thursday, 13 August 2015

3 Signs That you are a Highly Creative Person

My brother had always been an art lover. Drawing and painting had not only been his hobby, but it was his passion. He knew he wanted to pursue it as a career in his future. He joined one of the reputed Fine arts colleges in India and met people who were probably perfectly synchronized in their love for art and passionate about it as a subject. Communicating with them made me realize; the creative mind is something which is untamable and a true artist barely conforms to the dos and don’ts of the society.I found some characteristics vividly common with all the creative people I met, including my brother.

Fine Arts Courses

They crave for originality

Mediocrity and commonly achievable things never appeal them. Every singly though and idea had to stand apart and be original. I once saw the projects they did for their Fine arts courses. They were incredible! Each distinct from one another and the ideas exuded brilliance.

Open minded

I have known my brother and saw his fellow classmates too; they were all open minded and flexible. There was no cringing at people and criticizing others. Discussions were fun with them and they often have peculiar views on a particular subject which may or may not be acceptable to everyone! But that didn’t make them aggressive as listening to the other person’s view is one of the features of a creative mind.


A creative mind is typically observant and they watch the little things in people and the environment around them. This makes them a better analyzer than their peers. This attribute makes them a bit withdrawn and introvert by nature, with usually a small number of close friends rather than a big gang of friends. They are socially awkward because unknowingly they engage themselves in observation and deep thoughts and do not communicate much.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Top 3 Career Options for Fine Art Graduates

My cousin is really enthusiastic about a career in Fine arts, and it is true, her drawing and sketching skills are commendable. Sadly enough, she does not have a lot of encouragement from her family regarding this, who think this is too offbeat a career option for her to take up. In reality this is not so. I am listing the top three kinds of career options that can open up after graduating from any of the Fine arts colleges in India:

Animator or a multimedia artist

Animation is the rage in today’s date and one can easily get into animation. Animation is required in television, films, video games, advertising and what not. Advertising, for instance has huge requirement for animators. They need to conceptualize and create animations for a wide variety of things like motion ads.


With the overpowering of the internet and the digital world, Designers are seeing a big scope. If you are a graduate from any of the Fine arts courses, you can train yourself with the software’s or join another course where you can learn Photoshop, Adobe, Picasa, Coral and others. You can work for agencies which would require you for both online and offline projects. Social media is one big example of the works of designers.

Craft Artist

Craft artists are those who design and create innovative items using a wide array of materials such as wood, fabric, plastic, and metal. They often display their creations at art shows, galleries, museums and stores and they are put on sale also. Finest of creations are in acute demand. Craft artists are mainly self-employed, and hence it may require them to work elsewhere as well. It is not a full time career but a highly rewarding career if it takes off well.